Lesotho / 2004 / African horse sickness

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2004  |  2003  |  2002

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 07/2004 ... 
 08/2004 ... 
 Annual total 0# 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 04/2004 ... 
 08/2004 ... 
 10/2004 ... 
 Annual total 2# 

 Mayo Kebbi
Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 07/2004 ... 
 Annual total 0# 

 Moyen Chari
Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 01/2004 ... 
 02/2004 ... 
 08/2004 ... 
 Annual total 0# 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 04/2004 ... 
 05/2004 ... 
 Annual total 0# 

 Grand total 2#