Reunion (France) / 2004 / Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia

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Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

 El Hajeb
Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 09/2004 11  11 
 Annual total 12 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 87  87 
 Annual total 89 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 09/2004 11  11 
 10/2004 12  12 
 Annual total 23 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 10  10 
 Annual total 14 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 13  13 
 Annual total 13 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 11  11 
 Annual total 11 

 Sidi Kacem
Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 18  18 
 Annual total 22 

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 Annual total

Month Number of new
outbreaks in month
Total number of
outbreaks in month
 10/2004 21  21 
 Annual total 30 

 Grand total 230