South Africa / 1998

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 VETERINARIANS   Government officials (central, local) 116  (1)
 In laboratories, universities, training
...  (2)
 Private practitioners ...  (3)
 Other 2171  (4)
 TOTAL =  2287#  (5)
 Animal health assistants (with formal training) 1894  (6)
 Animal health auxiliaries 3555  (7)
 Involved in food hygiene, including meat
1049  (8)
TOTAL =  6498  (9)
 Note: (5): the following figures were obtained from the South African Veterinary Council in February 1999: a) total number of registered veterinarians = 2287; b) total number of veterinary specialists registered = 88; c) total number of veterinarians with restricted registration = 15. Also, there are approximately 131 registered veterinarians practising overseas (they have been included in the above total figure). (9): figures from 1998 as no new figures are available.